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A PDF to Excel Converter: Your Digital Duct Tape

Posted by on Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

We all love products that do what they are supposed to do. Just as duct tape started out as a product with one use, it has been adapted to many. Excel is another product that has far ranging uses. A PDF to Excel Converter is another tool that has more uses than you would expect.

Perfect Duct Tape

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Many of us use Excel to make spreadsheets to track our financials. It is the go-to program for accounting practices, but it is so much more.

If you’ve ever watched MacGyver, you know he used duct tape to get out of all kinds of jams. In fact, his innovative ideas have sparked something in popular culture that has lead to sites like Lifehacker and Lifehack. These sites provide information on how to do all kinds of things; from fixing what is broken to finding uses for objects that are out of the ordinary. Technology is quite a few steps up from using a paperclip to power a remote with one battery, but it can be adapted to various uses.

MacGyver and Computer

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Lifehack calls the spreadsheet a tool for the true lifehacker. Consider a PDF to Excel converter as that paperclip, that life hack, or the MacGyver that turns Excel into a super tool.

Lifehacks are often about making life easier and saving time. A PDF to Excel converter saves you hours. Let’s say you are sent a PDF file with pages and pages of data that need to be inputted into a spreadsheet. You can sit there for hours staring at numbers and double checking to make sure you put them in the right cell and that your numbers aren’t transposed. You could give the job to your administrative assistant, but be prepared to pay overtime. Or, you could go all MacGyver on that PDF and in minutes have all the data converted into your spreadsheet.

Excel Search Results

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You could also spend hours trying to figure out how to get that graph or chart that you found online into your spreadsheet for that presentation or proposal, or you could simply go to new trusty digital tool.

You can put together an outline for a book, thesis, screenplay or other written work that is scattered and unorganized. This will make you look like a hack in the bad sense of the word, or you can gather all of your ideas and writings and manage your timelines, your subjects and your plot in your spreadsheet. Maybe you can use your software to write a TV show about duct tape.


You can even use a PDF to Excel converter to make a spreadsheet of all the life hacks that you find online and add them to a spreadsheet. Then, the next time you need to know how to Make a DSLR LCD Hood Out of Old Hotel Key Cards, you’re covered.