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The Growing Threat of DDOS as a Weapon
Posted by nitzan on Thursday, April 24th, 2008
The more we build business and economies on top of internet infrastructure, the more we are vulnerable. I was reading today about yet more DDOS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service) on websites. A DDOS is a lethally effective way to take a website unavailable, and often requires expensive and specialist help to solve if the […]
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Nanaimo, the Capital of Google Earth
Posted by nitzan on Tuesday, April 15th, 2008
Where would you guess would be the most data-rich place on Google Earth? I expect you would take a stab at Mountain View California, where the headquarters of Google is located? Silicon Valley, Redmond or perhaps New York? No, it’s a small port town in British Columbia called Nanaimo! How Google Earth Ate Our Town […]